Hi! My favorite MMORPG is KalOnline! I play it for about 3 years. I start to play it on hanin and i have lot of caracter on this server. My first caracter was Archer (lepotica) LVL 43, second was Mage (lepotica2) LVL 36 then i start to play with my friends. we have had one Knight (badbull) LVL 53 commander but it was hacked so we start ower again. Now we play with Archer (ArcherSLO) LVL 55 EA. but now i start to play on a privat server's becouse i wana to lvl faster . If you wana to know where i'm playing now add me to msn: ales_pozeg@hotmail.com, or write me to mail: alespozeg@gmail.com